Sunday 21 January 2007


Hi fans and fanettes. I had a frustrating day, going to work quite unawake after our house party the night before was frustrating. Work frustrated me yet again. I've come to accept customers like Somewhere what I worked this one time, for whatever god awful reason that is, but I can't accept customers who come into Somewhere what I worked this one time asking to buy a particular product, it's not that kind of store! One customer seemed to find it hard to believe that we didn't sell extension leads. "Where's your electrical department?" I got asked. Just what kind of store do you think this is. FUCK OFF TO ARGOS DICKWEAPS! Their new catologue is exciting. Made me think of buying one of these mp3 player things the kids have now-a-days.

Oh and another frustration, this ad I saw in the metro that some how had circulated it's way to the Somewhere what I worked this one time staff room.
And whilst I didn't have it in me to phone my mum earlier, I had it in me to phone with the 141 prefix infront so they don't know I'm calling and leave a message saying "I fucking love ginger hair" and hang up without leaving my name or number. I'm a ginger coward.

Well the show would only be some embarrasing BBC3 wank... probably.

No one would want me associated with such wankery.

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